All images and Art in this website are private property of the artist, Alex Bartenberger. No reproductions or copies of images permitted.

Title: Moving Within Molecular Time

Total Recording Time: 27.22 Minutes  

Music And Cover Art By Alex Bartenberger

Digital Stereo Recording

Year Completed: 2022

Song Titles And Samples:

1: Angelic Portal: (2:36) 5-9-2021

3: Celestial Light: (2:30) 4-24-2011

2: The Arrival: (1:11) 4-4-2013

4: Forest Call: (1:59) 2-7-2010

5: The Great Land: (9:02) 1-6-2009

6: Journey Home: (3:26) 8-30-2010

7: Just In Time: (2:48) 10-12-2008

8: Molecular Time: (1:54) 11-19-2011

10: Vivid Dreams: (2:54) 4-29-2021

9: Steps To Infinity: (1:02) 1-27-2010